Eyelid Trauma

Eyelid trauma or cuts to the eyelid can happen due to accidents, falls, or animal bites. Trauma can cause patients to experience long-term functional and cosmetic concerns with their eyelids. As a board-certified oculofacial surgeon, Dr. Choe provides high quality reconstructive and restorative procedures for patients who have experienced eyelid trauma in Western North Carolina.
What Is Eyelid Trauma?
- Maintain proper eyelid alignment and function
- Reduce the risk of cosmetically objectionable scarring
If the laceration involves the tear duct (aka canaliculus), this must also be repaired to reduce the risk of excessive tearing. The canaliculus is a narrow tubular structure located on the inner part of the upper and lower eyelids near the nose. This structure allows the tears to drain from the eyes into the nose. Scarring within the canaliculus would result in tearing due to blockage of the drain. As an oculoplastic surgeon, Dr. Choe is an expert at re-aligning the eyelid to get the best results when trauma affects the eyelids. She will assess the area and let you know your best options for treatment.